Frequently Asked Questions

If you can not find answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us or email us. We will answer you shortly!

Our music service helps artists upload their music and get earnings from every stream and downloads.

Yes, you retain 100% ownership and control of your music. We act as a partner to help you reach a broader audience without taking ownership of your music rights.

Yes, we offer optional marketing and promotional services to help you promote your music, reach a larger audience, and increase your streams and sales.

There is no limit to the amount of music you can distribute. We offer flexible distribution options to accommodate artists of all sizes, from independent artists to record labels.

You can withdraw funds by just clicking on the withdraw module at the menu and follow instructions

No, there are no limits on withdrawal but there is a withdrawal threshold of #10,000. Your account balance must be at least 10,000 Naira to make withdrawal! If you have any further questions or need assistance with withdrawal, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Yes, you can download music for offline listening. Simply click on the download button next to the song you want to download.

You can discover new music by browsing through our curated playlists, exploring recommendations, and checking out articles and reviews on our 'Landing' page.

Yes, we take the security of your payment details seriously. All transactions are encrypted and processed through a secure payment gateway to ensure your information is protected.

We may use the information we collect for the following purposes: To provide and improve our services. To personalize your experience on our website. To communicate with you about your account or transactions. To analyze trends and user demographics.

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© AllNaijaMusic.