
Our plans for your songs

No hidden fees, no monthy fee, only yearly or annual fee.

Free Plan

For New Artist


  • Upto 2 Songs
  • Upto 2 Social Platforms
  • 24/7 Support
  • Schedule Your Own Release Date
  • Monetize your songs
  • Official Stats Reports
  • Monthly Withdrawal
  • Artist Revenue Splits
  • Custom link for all your music
  • Access to Fan Support funds
Pro Plan

For Rising Artist


  • Upto 10 Songs
  • Upto 5 Social Platforms
  • 24/7 Support
  • Schedule Your Own Release Date
  • Monetize your songs
  • Official Stats Reports
  • Monthly Withdrawal
  • Artist Revenue Splits
  • Custom link for all your music
  • Access to Fan Support funds
Platinum Plan

For Break Out Artist


  • Unlimited Songs
  • All Social Platforms
  • 24/7 Support
  • Schedule Your Own Release Date
  • Monetize your songs
  • Official Stats Reports
  • Weekly Withdrawal
  • Artist Revenue Splits
  • Custom link for all your music
  • Access to Fan Support funds
© AllNaijaMusic.